Comply or Die! Podcast

Welcome to Comply or Die!, an Opensense production. Explore  security, compliance, and data regulation through interviews with industry-leading experts. Gain a fresh perspective and embrace privacy-first mindset to help you thrive in our connected world.

Trust is the New Oil: Navigating AI and Data Privacy with Avishai Ostrin
Discover the true value of trust in the digital economy in our latest Comply or Die! podcast episode. Featuring Avishai Ostrin, Founder and CEO of TrustIZ, this episode dives deep into building trust through genuine compliance efforts, integrating privacy across business units, and navigating AI technologies. Learn about the cultural nuances of data privacy, the importance of embedding trust in business ethos, and building a culture of compliance. Tune in!
June 21, 2024

As data continues to power the digital economy, the real value lies in trust. It’s hard to build and easy to lose, and maintaining it requires consistent and transparent compliance efforts. For companies, this means not just ticking regulatory boxes but genuinely embedding a trust-centric approach in their business ethos.

Trust is the new oil in the digital economy, and companies must focus on building and maintaining it to succeed. This is the core theme of our newest Comply or Die! podcast episode. As our guest, Avishai Ostrin, says, "At the end of the day, everything that we're doing with compliance, data, and regulation is about building trust." 

Avishai is the Founder and CEO of TrustIZ, a boutique consulting practice that offers expert consulting, training, and fractional DPO services to tech companies on global data privacy and AI regulations. 

He is a leading international data privacy and AI governance professional with over 20 years of experience. Avishai has also been working as a data privacy and AI regulatory lawyer and consultant for a decade. Frustrated by the overcomplicated, rigid, monotonous, tick-box exercise that many think is the only way to do privacy and AI governance, he believes that a good compliance program should build trust, not create friction. 

In this episode, Avishai offers a fresh perspective on the importance of integrating privacy within various business units, the cultural differences in data privacy perspectives between America, Europe, and Israel, and the emerging challenges and opportunities posed by AI technologies. We cover:

🔥 The Importance of Trust in Data Privacy

🔥 The Role of Culture and Geography

🔥 Navigating AI and Emerging Technologies

🔥 Building a Culture of Compliance

Avishai also shares his career journey from a legal expert to passionate data privacy advocate. Plus, he provides insights on creating a culture of compliance within organizations, the critical role of trust in consumer relationships, and the significance of staying updated in the ever-evolving field of compliance. 

Don't miss out on this informative discussion highlighting the intersections of technology, law, and ethics. Enjoy!

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Hosted By

Jass Binning

Director of Marketing

I’m Jass, Growth Marketing Camps’ newest co-host. If I’m not swapping stories and roasting virtual marshmallows with inspiring brand builders, you’ll find me working with my fantastic team building the Opensense brand, where I’m Director of Marketing. I like short walks to the local shops, all kinds of ramen (instant & authentic), and my coffee habits make up 80% of my personality, but if you’ve tuned into my episodes, you already knew that ;)

Bobby Narang

Founder & CCO

I’m Bobby, an OG host at Growth Marketing Camp. I am also Founder & CCO at Opensense. I spend my days working closely with all of the business units at the company, growing and nurturing our accounts and maximizing the value they receive day in and day out. I’m a people person, DC sports fanatic, and most importantly, a proud father to my new born, Dev.