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Crushing Event Marketing: Tips, Tricks, and Tech with Melanie Reid

September 19, 2023

Picture this: It’s Inbound22, and we’re hustling the floor until we see something that completely steals our attention. The Bizzabo booth with a t-shirt printer machine and a gazillion possibilities for marketers to create their own tee. 

Fun fact: the t-shirt strategy also helped their team really understand booth visitors and cater conversations based on their persona.

Naturally, we were all over it.

That’s how we met our newest Growth Marketing Camp guest, Melanie Reid. It wasn’t long before we knew we had to get her on the show to chat with her about all things events.

Currently at Riskified, Melanie’s crushing it as their Event Marketing Manager. And in this episode we discuss:

🎉 The importance of building networking schedules and custom excursions for attendees

🎉 Top tips to maximize ROI and enhance the post-event experience, particularly when it comes to nurturing leads

🎉 How to get into event planning and advice for tech newcomers pursuing event planning in SaaS

🎉 The balance between being a new employee in learning mode and shifting to contributing ideas and making an impact while still respecting the existing team  

Melanie also touches on the importance of goal setting when planning events, prioritizing, taking breaks, and then leaning on processes to help scale efforts. Whether you’re a seasoned event marketing leader or a B2C wedding planner wanting to dip your toes into the B2B SaaS world, this episode is for you. 

And it’ll knock your socks off. So what are you waiting for? Dig in and learn how to craft memorable events! 😃

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powered by Sounder
Jass Binning
Director of Marketing
Melanie Reid
Event Marketing Manager