How Gated Helps People Take Control of Their Attention with Melissa Moody
We live in a noisy world that’s becoming harder to focus on what’s truly important for you, your business, and your mental health. Luckily, Melissa Moody and Andy Mowat founded Gated to reduce the noise and make your inbox become productive again.
Their vision (& mission) is clear - help people get their attention back. And they do that by challenging unknown senders to donate to a charity of your choice in order to reach you.
Since the Gated team loves email as much as we do, this week, we welcome their Co-Founder & CMO, Melissa Moody on Growth Marketing Camp to share their origin story. In this week’s episode, Melissa talks about how to get people aligned in an early-stage startup, the importance (& value) of building an audience even before you have a product, and the benefits of having a technical and marketing founder combo.
We also chat about what led Melissa to leap into the startup space after spending over a decade at Google, what’s critical for her enjoyment of work, and what inspired her to start a Slack community for marketers called 2 pizza marketers. This episode is a pure delight, so tune in and enjoy.
P.S. Melissa is also a co-host of a newly launched podcast, Finding Focus, where they uncover why and how people focus in today’s increasingly distracted world. So be sure to check it out.