The 3 Most Used Email Greetings that Need to Go (& What to Say Instead)
Can we all just agree that we hope every email “finds you well”? We’re not sending a lot of emails to people on whom we’d wish harm, so it’s probably time to drop that cliche phrase.
We’re all guilty of starting emails off on the wrong foot, and it’s time to do something about it.
We’ve shared three of the most overused greetings that just need to disappear from our email vocabulary. But don’t worry - we’ve included a list of their proper replacements so you’re not left intro-less.
Stop Saying: “I hope this email finds you well.
Look - as we’ve mentioned before, it doesn’t do wonders for your recipient. It adds no value and comes across as insincere, and overused. Most times I’ve gotten this email, it’s usually followed by a very badly done “buy this email list” sales pitch.
Your chances of being taken seriously will plummet.
Start Saying: “I hope your week is off to a great start!”
Asking a genuine question to your colleagues or customers is a much better way to break the inbox ice. They might even opt to tell you about their day, opening the door to build a deeper connection and build communication.
This feels friendly and approachable, unlike the former.
Stop Saying: “Per my last email.”
Unless of course, you’re trying to put bad vibes into the world. Everyone knows that this phrase is reserved for snarky responses and frustrated co-workers. If you didn’t know, now you do.
The next time you begin an email that includes this saying, we urge you to take a deep breath, pull out your yoga mat, or go for a short walk. Because this passive-aggressive tone is best left alone.
Start Saying: What you actually want to say.
Look, if you’re going to restate information that you already included in your previous email, just do it without the snarky intro. People make mistakes, including accidentally skipping over a line in an email, being confused about instructions, or flat out forgetting what they’ve been told.
Have patience with your colleagues and, if necessary, use phrases like, “I’m following up on my last email,” or “you can find more detail about this in my last note.”
Stop saying: “To whom it may concern.”
There is no email greeting in the history of the world less personal than this one. Sure, sometimes you have to email a stranger every now and then without knowing you personally will be handling your email inquiry. But you’re only fooling yourself if you seriously think this is the best that you can do.
Start saying: “Dear…”
Consider the audience you are reaching out to. Whether it’s a simple introduction to a specific person or a group, there are likely more descriptive words you can use to address them. Perhaps use their title “Hiring Manager” or “Billing Team.” It’s not the best solution but it’s better than the former. When in doubt, do some research and see what you can do to learn about your recipients and add that personal touch. Get creative and use something other than this dreaded phrase.
Now that you know what to drop and swap, you can manage your inbox and working relationship like a pro.
Well, there you have it.
We hope you find some phrases that make you want to finish reading emails that come through to your inbox. In either case, now you know what not to say and what to say instead. When in doubt, just talk it out. Read your email draft out loud. If it feels natural, you’re on the right track.
By making swaps like these, you'll deliver a more enjoyable email experience and in turn, benefit from better inbox interactions.
Happy Emailing ✉️