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How Jess Cook Harnesses Her Personal Brand for B2B Marketing Success

February 7, 2023

A love affair happens between a content manager and a content strategy. And, like love, there are no rules in the content strategy game! There’s no perfect formula; you’ve just got to go out, experiment, iterate, and then double down on what’s working.

What’s essential in content marketing is understanding and employing the voice of your customer! And that’s where this episode comes into the spotlight.

Jess Cook is the Head of Content at LASSO, the co-host of the That’s Marketing Baby podcast, the queen of analogies, and our newest Growth Marketing Camp guest. And boy, does she have the right mix of experience on the front lines of marketing, curiosity, passion, and personality to get your ears buzzing. 

Jess’s career journey includes it all, from writing jokes on McDonald’s happy meal boxes to managing content in SaaS, she’s developed a unique perspective on thought leadership and creating stand-out content.

So naturally, we dig in on all things strategy and how to create content that breaks through! You’ll learn all about LASSO’s email strategy, how they engage customers and repurpose content in a scalable way. You’ll also learn how their podcast is a powerhouse source for content that helps her small but mighty marketing team make music. 

Finally, like always, we get personal. Jess tells the story of how she landed her current role through organic relationship building on LinkedIn. She also shares advice on the top 2 skills to master in content marketing to be successful. 

Put your party hat on, grab your notebook (you’re going to want to take notes 😉), and join the ride!

PS. For the last couple of years, the B2B world has mostly been living in the cocoon of virtual events, coffee chats, and Zoom meetings, and this is *the* year for the grand comeback of live events. And LASSO has everything you need to ensure your next event runs smoothly.

powered by Sounder
Jass Binning
Director of Marketing
Jess Cook
Head of Content