Sales Account Based Marketing Ideas: Targeted Email Signatures

August 31, 2023

ABM Email All-Stars: Sales

Welcome to the ABM Email All-Stars series, where we show how each area of your go-to-market team (Sales, Marketing, Customer Success, and Executive Leadership) can use employee email as a powerful new channel that helps with your ABM strategy.

This post is focused on the sales team, specifically the business, sales, or account development reps on the front lines, making a strong brand impression and capturing the attention of your most important accounts through personalization. And the Account Executives who get to know your buyers inside and out, forming and strengthening relationships with all key stakeholders as they move the deal through each stage, all the way to closed/won.

Few people, if any, at an organization have more meaningful contact with potential or existing customers than this group. So it’s important to use every interaction to get the right message to the right audience at the right time. No wasted chances. That’s the mindset of ABM email all-stars and sales professionals who recognize the impact of employee email as a channel for ABM. With such a high volume of emails that each include a powerful piece of digital real estate, the email signature, there are countless ways to drive engagement and usher target accounts through the sales journey.

With this channel and a platform like Opensense, ABM teams can assign specific email ads to their target audiences. Think of these banners as targeted ads with 100% accuracy, but they just happen to live in your email. So whether you’re just getting started or looking to take your strategy to the next level, there are many ways to start utilizing something you were already doing (sending email to your most important audiences) and weave it into your ABM efforts. Here are a few examples from our own team that can serve as inspiration and idea starters.

Promote Relevant Case Studies

Case studies allow you to showcase how your product or service has addressed challenges or provided solutions for other companies directly related or at least relevant to your target accounts. They can also serve as a tangible proof of concept, which is crucial for building trust and credibility with buyers. Everyone loves good storytelling, too, and peer validation. A case study is the perfect type of content for building or accelerating pipeline, and can be promoted to the exact right audience a number of different ways within this channel. Use Opensense to target accounts by lifecycle or opportunity stage, industry, vertical, location, and more.

Share More Information on Pricing

Every business and their ABM strategy is different, but if sharing pricing information is important to you (and your accounts), use your sales team and their email volume to ensure the right accounts see it. Promoting your pricing page upfront can demonstrate transparency, which may be crucial for building trust with your target accounts. It also allows your buyers to quickly assess whether your solution fits within their budget or not, which leads to time efficiency for both sides. It can also serve as a differentiator versus competitors, as many smart buyers today evaluate multiple options before making a purchasing decision. So be creative about it, and smart, with targeted email ads that can showcase it to accounts by opportunity stage or by job title.

Help Your Buyers Build A Business Case

Help your buyers help you by equipping them with the right resources to sell your product or service internally to other stakeholders. Their boss might ask about ROI, how it will be used, or how it can make an impact. So make it easy for your champion by preparing them with a content kit or playbook that helps get internal buy-in and accelerates the sales cycle. It’s not easy to ask for budget, so make sure they know you’re in their corner and willing to help. For late-stage accounts close to a signature, this type of content is perfect.

Target Specific Markets

It has been mentioned already, but is worth mentioning again. Opensense allows sales professionals and the entire go-to-market team to target different audiences with specific email ads. Through its dynamic targeting functionality, users can leverage their CRM data and marketing automation platform to slice and dice email ad campaigns in smart, strategic ways. Targeting possibilities also include by sender, recipient, language, use cases, and industries. In the example below, this email ad appears when team members email target accounts in financial services and banking. Personalization in the message of your email, AND your email signature, can go a long way and make your brand stand out in a world full of noise.

Ready to Become an ABM Email All-Star?

Email is one of the most commonly used forms of communication in the business world, yet it's often overlooked as a powerful marketing (and account based marketing) channel. By targeting priority accounts with specific email ads, you can deliver a more personalized and effective message that speaks directly to the needs of each decision-maker. And with Opensense, using employee email for ABM has never been easier. Get more ABM examples.

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